Websites I always visit


So after a long break, I am finally back, both on internet and in my writing. I’m not sure how the writing will fare after such a long pause, but I re-read some of the first draft of my third book, and I found it easier than I expected to throw myself back in this world. We’ll see how it goes 🙂

Anyway, I wanted to start this new term (kids are back to school today too!) with a list of those websites that I visit regularly, for various reasons. Who knows, you might discover some interesting ones you didn’t know about.

    I had to start with a website related to books of course, and this one is a gem. Lola is a book reviewer, blog tour owner, author adviser, accomplished cook and a brilliant blogger. Her site is so interesting to read, so well presented and polished, with various sections to keep the site fresh. She engages with her readers in a very interactive way, and her friendliness shows through each of her posts. I’m in awe of her professionalism and clear experience in the blogging/books world.
    Another blog related to books. This one is from an author who writes funny, sometimes provocative posts. She never hesitates to tell it like it is, and has a fun, truthful insight of the book world. I love reading her posts. Her series of the “which fictional character are you”, based on clichés found in every genre, is hysterical and a must-read.
    This one is for parents, because every little picture relates to our troubles – in both sense of the term. Brian depicts the parental world in such a realistic and hilarious way, you can’t help but shout with your finger pointed at the screen: “yes, yes, so true!”. If you don’t have any kids yet, this will show you what to expect when you do 😉
    One for the girls mostly, since this is basically Lush, in a cheaper and way cuter than their counterpart. They present their soaps and bath bombs, candles etc…in various shapes of cupcakes, whoopie pies, animals etc…Every time I use them, it breaks my heart a little as they are so pretty to look at (those swirls…hmmm). As far as I am aware, they are only in Europe for now, and I don’t know if they deliver to the US.
    I use this site a lot because my own e-mail provider is very unreliable. With mail2web, I can check my e-mails even if my e-mail provider’s site is down. Very useful.
    I’m a big fan of vegetables in desserts, because not only are they healthier (that’s what I tell myself), but they also remain softer for longer. Kate gives her recipes both in UK and US values. Worth a look.
    Photos galore that will make you salivate…Marie has absolutely thousands of recipes, which might not please the health conscious, but will delight the rest. Home cooked food at its best, and its yummiest. Marie is a Canadian gal who came to England in 2000, so her recipes can be cooked by people living on both sides of the Atlantic.
    Yes, I read mangas. The artwork has to be flawless and mature, just like the storylines, though I do read some cute, light-hearted, silly stories too. I have a weakness for Yuki Yoshihara and Kaori Yuki.
    Now this site is not the best for its rubbish search option (Mangafox has the most efficient one), but the reading here is the most convenient, as you don’t have to click for a new page after each…well, page. On Mangaonline, you just scroll down. Perfect!
    My favourite beauty blogger. Why? Because she made her name as “missbudgetbeauty”, as in, she’s not going to review those big expensive brands that I simply cannot afford. Too many bloggers are guilty of showing only expensive products, and Mikhila, as a young Mum, knows where to find value for money.

Have you got any interesting, not so well known, websites to recommend?